Heaven can wait
But hell is getting closer

Environment friendly business transformations


Roaring Twenties

A hundred years ago, after the great war and the flu pandemic, finally the Roaring Twenties came.

Cars appeared on the roads, planes in the sky, jazz and swing sounded on the radio and women dropped their corsets. People started to have a good time.
Crazy development lasted a decade until the Great Depression came.
People had to face poverty, unrest, then war...

Today the Twenties came back again. We are growing as never before, and again we only have a decade to prevent the crisis. This time - Great Climate Crisis.
And it's really dangerous.

What are we going to do about it?

The Team

Concerned about the state of the Planet.
Unable to sit idly by.
Aware of the need to take action.
People who share a passion, a joy of life...
and the need to help find harmony
in our functioning on Earth.

We combine our competence, experience, knowledge and passion to help companies and organizations transform in harmony with the Planet.

Mateusz Galica

#consulting #strategies #workshops #ideas

The leader of the great project "Humans Attack" in Kantar Poland. By 2020 Creative House Director and Board Member at Kantar Polska and the President of the Polish Society of Market and Opinion Researchers. Member of the Balticlead programme of the University of Stockholm for leaders of change and business transformation in the area of mankind - Earth.

Marta Marczuk

#design #workshops #creation

By 2020 Creative Idea Designer in Kantar Poland. A member of the team of the research and communication project "Humans attack!". Participant of the Balticlead programme of the University of Stockholm for leaders of change and transformation of business in the area of mankind - Earth.

Our Experts

Depending on the type of project, we build a team by joining forces with our network of best-in-class experts.

Antoni Bielewicz

European Climate Foundation

#climatescience #communications

Director of European Climate Foundation in Poland. Co-creator of the "Climate Science" website.
He worked as a consultant on the project "Humans Attack".


United Nations Global Compact experts

#onz #sustainability

We cooperate with UNGC and their experts in the field of sustainable business development. Our cooperation started with the project "The Humans Attack", which was presented at the UN climate summit in New York. We also organized a climate debate of candidates for the Polish President in 2020 together.

Marcin Popkiewicz

Nauka o klimacie

#naukaoklimacie #trends

Megatrend analyst dealing with links in the areas of economy-energy-resources-environment. Author of "World at a crossroads" and "Energy Revolution. But why?" and the main author of "Climate Science". He suggests what solutions are actually less harmful to the environment.

Agnieszka Sowa-Żyndul


#humansattack #consumerattitudes

Researcher in Kantar Poland. Co-author of the report "Humans Attack". Co-creator of the segmentation in the report. She has experience in the implementation of project results in business.

Paweł Ciacek

Research Collective

#brand #strategies

An expert on complex consumer projects. Experienced in building brand and communication strategies.

Krzysztof Jodłowski

Day Ray

#humansattack #climatechange

Working in Kantar Poland, he co-created the project "Humans Attack". An expert in quality techniques. He is actively involved in activities in the area of climate change prevention.

Dominika Blachnicka-Ciacek

Uniwersytet SWPS

#etnography #climatechange

A PhD student of visual sociology at Goldsmiths College London University. Experienced in climate projects. At SWPS University she prepared a report on young people's involvement in the fight against climate change.

Monika Mikowska

Mobee Dick

#ux #mobile

President of Mobee Dick. Specialist in transforming tactics into UX digital solutions. She worked on the "Humans Attack" project.

Piotr Łukasiewicz

Research Collective

#trends #strategies #communications

Strategist, specialist in consumer trends. Previously, he was the coordinator of the "Trendbook" consumer trends project in Kantar Polska. He translates the results of research projects into brand and communication strategies.

Filip Springer

Instytut Reportażu

#narrations #climatechange

Writer, photographer, reporter. In his books he touches upon the issue of the influence of the economy on social life. Analyst of narration in the area of environmental disaster.


Brandy Design + Centrum Prawa Żywnościowego + Lata Dwudzieste + Kantar

#food #packaging

Think Tank supporting environment friendly innovations in food category. We connect design, law, research and strategic competences to create new food products and packaging.
Lata Dwudzieste is proudly a co-creator of Food2050.

Green Transformation

Business transformation and putting it on the track of harmony with the Earth is a new field. Unlike the truths of marketing, which have seen thousands of books, textbooks, majors and courses, green strategies are terra incognita.

We create a platform where we combine business, strategic, tactical, communication and expert knowledge to help you make good and responsible decisions.

We draw our energy both from external sources and from our client's organization itself.

"We connect the dots" from the best sources of information. Here they are:

1. data from the report "Humans Attack", which we created back in Kantar
2. knowledge of the Balticlead programme by University of Stockholm
3. the experience of an elite of experts in the field of climate science and the relationship between environment and mankind
4. tailor-made research projects with the support of Kantar experts experienced in transformation
5. inspirations and case studies from Internet content monitoring
6. knowledge from the organization itself, acquired during attractive and engaging workshops

Our Offer


A one-day workshop to consolidate the environmental knowledge of all business units, a short audit of current activities and a forecast of the future of the category. The result: a pre-defined "green" target and a list of activities for people and departments.


Training: How to implement a sustainable strategy and introduce ESG reporting in your organisation. After the training, we provide a tailored guide to the introduction of a strategy and ESG reporting for your company.


The process of supporting an organisation in implementing a sustainable ESG strategy and reporting. We start by getting to know the company's specifics and needs, plan the process (from board involvement to convincing all stakeholders) and then assist in the implementation of the ESG approach in the company.

New City

We work with cities both at a strategic and tactical level. We help define and implement strategies for Just Transition in cities. We work with officials to develop motivation, support and a plan for implementing change. We assist with specific projects, such as the introduction of Clean Transport Zones.

Kick off

Each strategy requires the motivation and enthusiasm of all employees. During the transformation process we create attractive internal campaigns, involving all employees (in companies) or officials (in cities). We also provide guidelines for external communication.

Our publications

Usually the fruits of our work are only seen by our clients. However, there are times when we may have the pleasure of sharing the results of our projects. Enjoy!


Have a cup of coffee with us!

If you want to talk over how to make your organization more Planet friendly, come to our beautiful "casa e bottega" office in Sadyba! We make delicious coffee, there is always good music in the background. We can also go for a walk to our Magic Garden, where somehow it happens that the best ideas come to mind...

Lata Dwudzieste Sp. z o.o.
Św. Bonifacego 141
02-909 Warszawa

NIP: 5213899837
Regon: 386375548
Bank account: 03105010251000009080971352

"Humans Attack" report was born in:

We help in sustainable development with:

We learn and share expertise in Balticlead programme by: